£11.65 GBP

Personalise with your favourite memories or photos!

Upgrade your images with our Framed Canvas, for a gallery-quality finish in your own home! Simply upload your favourite photo and let Custom Koala turn it into a masterpiece, delivered directly to your door and ready to hang straight out of the box.

Please note all uploaded files must be JPEG. Format

Stunning prints on stretched canvas with a black floating frame and supplied ready to hang

  • Latex coated for UV protection
  • Canvas sizes from 8" x 10" to 20" x 30"
  • Stretcher bars are made from 100% renewable, kiln dried, knot free, finger jointed wood, crafted in the UK
  • Standard stretcher bar depth 1.25"
  • All canvases are finished with hanging hardware and clear plastic bump stops
  • Choose from 13 sizes in Landscape or Portrait Mode
  • Solid wood floating frame with black enamel finish 1.75" deep


We aim to dispatch framed canvas orders within 3 working days of the order being placed.